About Us


Our Mission

Creating Noble Citizens


Our Principles

Learning is of no value without character.

You are “good” by habit and “great” by choice.

Everyone is born to be noble.


Who We Are

Indianow Foundation (INF) is a unique initiative taken by a group of successful professionals that aims to create noble leaders for Civil Services from deserving yet economically backward rural students.

We believe that emphasis on values inculcation will lead to Nobility.

Our volunteers come from a variety of backgrounds such as Chartered Accountants, Doctors, Finance Professionals, Human Resource Professionals, IT Professionals, Teachers, Entrepreneurs, Artists etc.

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    Inspired by a desire to give back to their country and serve the society, they not only volunteer but also contribute monetarily to the cause.

    INF is a Public Charitable Trust with 80G and FCRA registrations. It is registered in Udupi, Karnataka. INF is also registered with Benevity in the USA as an Indian Public charitable trust.


What We Do

INF journey began in 2002 with Amazing Empowerment Workshops being conducted in rural schools across India. The primary aim of Workshops is to instil Nobility in students. It also helps them study more effectively, set goals, remove examination fear and improve interpersonal skills.

Students are encouraged to know more about the rich History and Culture of India and develop pride of being Indian, by reading books that are donated by INF to their school library. Book Titles include Cultural heritage of India, Amar Chitra Katha etc.

In 2016, a Residential Program called Nivritti Gurukul was started to provide a firm grounding in values and Nobility together with an undergraduate degree and guidance for Civil Service examination. This was aimed at economically backward yet deserving students from the rural schools where workshops were conducted and books were donated.

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    Niviriiti Gurukul stands out for its unique Guru-Shishya tradition, wherein great importance is given to inculcating values, which when practised, make an individual noble and motivates selfless action for the country.

How It Started

The seeds on INF were sown in Bahrain in January 1981, by our leader Shri Shantharamji. Following Gandhiji’s philosophy of “Be the change you wish to see”, he engineered a unique approach to Individual Social Responsibility (ISR).

For many years he and his family were single-handedly involved in making a difference to the lives of capable and deserving students in government schools across India.

His unwavering passion and untiring effort inspired a generation of individuals to get associated with the cause and make a positive impact on the society.

Inspired by the unique ISR concept, INF is now spread across 13 countries with over 3,000 members and is a Volunteer Driven Organisation.

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